
Monday, June 15, 2015

Teacher Shopping Spree

Remember those commercials for Toys 'R Us Toy Runs? In the early 90's kids could win a 5 minute run throughout the store filling their shopping carts with as many toys as possible. I used to dream of being that kid racing through the aisles tossing items into my cart.

A Gift For Teaching storefront

This place is my Toys 'R Us. It's a warehouse stocked full with random teacher supplies - paper, binders, notebooks, crayons, scissors, markers, etc. Teachers in my school are allowed to "shop" once a month. We are limited with the items that we can fill our boxes, bags, and pockets with, but that limit is not limiting my ecstasy!

As you go through the checkout, the staff member tells you how much money you saved in your "purchase". The amount typically runs between $350-$500! The teacher and the "free stuff lover" in me, gets a little thrill each time they calculate my amount.

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