
Friday, August 12, 2011

On Relocation and Dislocation

"What human language captures the dislocation, the acute insufficiency of being in the presence of the superorganism [America], the sinking, shrinking feeling at this display of industrial steel and light and might? It was as if nothing I'd ever done in life prior to this counted. As if my past life was revealed to be a waste, a gesture in slow motion, because what I considered scarce and precious was in fact plentiful and cheap, and what I counted as rapid progress turned out to be glacially slow."

This excerpt is taken from a novel by Abraham Verghese, "Cutting for Stone". At this point Dr. Marion Stone is reflecting on his forced exodus from of his home country and relocation to the United States. I was struck by how in the last year I've often resonated with Marion's words, but never quite knew that this was the voice behind my emotion.

However, simultaneously a wise friend once told me that she believed every experience, every relationship, every trial and every joy will come full circle to deepen our understanding of life and broaden our perspective on others and God's working therein.

Though I may feel lost in this superorganism at times, I believe my years in Europe, my education and my experience will come together and unveil a Master weaver of these threads. Until then, I wait and believe and work and pray.

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