
Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Welcoming and Tolerating Community

Late August a furry little vagabond appeared on the IBTS campus. He found his way in and out of everything on site. He could be seen sleeping on stairwells, in offices and wherever a bit of peace and quiet was available.

As a kitten, Arnošt became a welcomed part of our IBTS community. Though I must say 'welcomed' by some of our community simply means 'tolerated' by others.

He had the wonderfully playful characteristic of chasing and attacking everything that moved. (Including fingers while typing on keyboards and shoelaces of feet walking past!)

Learning that my new little Olympus has the option of videoing, I decided to give it a try:

This my first video attempt. So if it's unsuccessful, I've no qualms about taking it off and simply reverting back to basic photo illustrations.

Nonetheless - Enjoy~ !!

1 comment:

  1. So, is kitty your kitty or still homeless and living on the campus steps? Cute video! I love how he (or is it she?) drags the little toy around.
