
Monday, January 20, 2014

All Part of the Job

"Miss. Lake, I need you to look at my foot. There are red spots all over it."

This type of request can be something or nothing. Knowing this particular student I wasn't unduly worried. Nor was I that excited to inspect anyone's foot; especially after it had been running around in a sweaty boot all day. However, that's my job and I do care for these kids. 

The third grader removed her boot and sock and held her foot up awkwardly for my diagnosis. I had never seen spots like these before. They looked odd. In fact, they looked like a fine tipped light red maker had made marks all over the top of her foot. I was also informed the spots continued on to the bottom of her foot.

Knowing this child as I did, I knew she wouldn't purposefully spot her feet for any reason. Plus, she seemed genuinely concerned. 

My first question to children who have itchy spots, wounds, stomach aches, injuries, strange marks is, “Did you have it this morning and what did your parents say?”

True to my mode of operation, I asked her these questions. My darling third grader’s response was: Last night my sister spilled KoolAid all over the floor and when I showed my mom my foot, she said when I take a shower tonight it will probably wash off.

Happy Monday!

(Warning: Do NOT google image search "red spots on foot" for illustrations you may use for a similar blog)

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! i can picture this all happening so clearly :) And, I can see your face and just imagine how much i would have laughed if i could have witnessed this event. Love you my friend!
