Some jobs allow you slack off a bit, text your friends, play on Facebook, make Amazon purchases, leave for an extra long lunch hour. All things which you quickly hide or minimize or explain away when you hear your boss walking down the corridor. My (soon-to-be) job does not. I have 23 little bosses that are ever present, ever alert, and ever noting loudly anything that is not as it should be.
My miniature bosses watch my every move. If I spell something wrong, dismiss them late for recess, make an error on a math problem, or am not prepared for a lesson. There are 23 sets of eyes ready to correct, remind, and question me. And I love it!
I have told the children that if they can catch mistakes that I make (and point it out politely!) they can receive a "proud paw". (Too difficult to explain - it's like school money to use at a school-wide store) In doing this, I want the children to learn and know that mistakes are okay. We all make mistakes. Our classroom is a place where mistakes are made, and corrected, and learned from.
Oh, and I love my bosses. We've likely done a number of things that you have not done with your boss. We have sung and danced together. We go sledding. We've even wore our pajamas, had popcorn, watched movies. We hug. Every day. (Except after lunch. I do not allow the students to hug me after lunch. They are sticky, have unidentifiable stains on their shirts, and smell like ketchup. Miss. Lake does not hug after lunch. Ever.)
Yep, and I like Mondays!