There is not a single person in West Michigan right now whom you will find complaining about the weather. We are living daily with temps 40degrees above average and everyone is happy. Everyone.
This past Friday night, I was drawn to visit Lake Michigan, walk along the beach, and watch the sunset. It was an amazing experience. Only a few people. An expansive gorgeous sky. Peaceful rolling waves.
It was an evening of quiet, reflection and restoration after a full week consisting of both good and bad days.
This moment of calming gratitude set my mind at ease from concerns that had been swirling and filled my heart with peaceful assurance that my life is truly blessed.This past Friday night, I was drawn to visit Lake Michigan, walk along the beach, and watch the sunset. It was an amazing experience. Only a few people. An expansive gorgeous sky. Peaceful rolling waves.
It was an evening of quiet, reflection and restoration after a full week consisting of both good and bad days.

For the good and the bad, past mistakes and triumphs, I am thankful. Days ahead will consist of the same, and God will be faithful still.
He is there.
He has created the beauty of the sunset.
He has created the beauty of friendships.
He has created the beauty of memory and the beauty of dreams.

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