Out of the need for change, which I think is a common characteristic amongst our female population, yesterday evening I moved the furniture of my little apartment around.
However, I realised that prior to this point, I've not yet given my faithful readers the grand tour of my abode.
So below is a video of my home. Enjoy! (The furniture has now been relocated, but this is how it's been for the last 7 months)
Most of the furniture and wall decorations were purchased on Craigslist, for which I'm extremely thankful.
However, I realised that prior to this point, I've not yet given my faithful readers the grand tour of my abode.
So below is a video of my home. Enjoy! (The furniture has now been relocated, but this is how it's been for the last 7 months)
Most of the furniture and wall decorations were purchased on Craigslist, for which I'm extremely thankful.
Hope it works and ... sorry, if you get a bit dizzy.
(and my phone started ringing, thus the quick ending)
How lovely to see where you are! Enjoy the moving things round...