09/09/09 the new National Technical Library opened just a short bus (or bike!) ride away and I've had it in the back of my mind to visit. What better time than a lazy autumnal Saturday afternoon.

Whilst checking up on opening days/hours I found that in the library's cafe there was live music which prompted me even more to make this the goal of my Saturday venture out.

Entering the cafe (which is one suited for a technical library) I was off to the bar for a drink and in so doing surveyed my fellow cafe goers. I was the age of their grand-children! At the door I picked up a leaflet when I walked in, as I settled with my drink in an oddly shaped but comfortable sofa I skimmed the brochure.

Prague 6 had decided to celebrate
"Dny seniorů" - "Senior Days" and the National Technical Library was their afternoon visit! However, the old dears were gracious and did not give me the evil eye for crashing their event and I enjoyed the music just the same.

The Interior of the library reminded me of an oversized Kindergarten - after the initial shock, I quite liked it.
I find appealing the smell, the sounds and the atmosphere of public libraries, and this one held true to form - so much so that I signed myself up as a member!

I doubt I will ever take a book off the shelves. But to enter this world of coloured floors, get lost among the graffitied corridors and fade into anonymity is a simple pleasure I look forward to.
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