So... mathematical computations are not my strength. I try my best and work very hard to not dislike the subject. As a teacher, it's not great to have a fearful mindset towards any field that you teach on a daily basis.
I have recently been involved in a mathematical equation which makes me very happy and one to which I like to return and compute over and over.
The district in which I teach offers a number of Professional Development (PD) classes over the summer. These classes are required to the level that teachers need to accumulate a certain number of PD classes to retain their certification. It's more complicated, but that's the gist.
Apart from just acquiring new strategies for teaching or expanding various methodologies, we GET PAID for taking these courses. Not receiving a paycheck over the summer, it's great to have this option. I have taken a number of online classes throughout my education, but this class has thus far proven to be one of the more demanding and time consuming. But, I'm not complaining (too much) because, did I mention (?) I GET PAID.
Summer Student |
You know that I live in Florida; Orlando, Florida, to be exact. You know that I have been exploring a number of things to see, and do whilst residing in this Sauna of a City. You know that, thus far, it has not directly included the Mouse which makes Orlando a destination city for people all over this nation, and truly the world.
So, on to the math part of all this verbiage.
Most of you know, that entering any (and definitely all!) of the Disney Parks is an expense for which one typically saves money over a very long period of time.
I recently happily discovered that the payment I receive for my summer class will cover the complete expense for me, as a Florida resident, to purchase the Disney Annual Pass with a good chunk of change leftover!
This pass is amazing - it includes perks which I couldn't imagine, plus entrance and parking for all four Disney Parks whenever the gates are open. This makes an extremely happy new Florida teacher.
So my mathematical computations (and a bit of studying this summer) have provided me with a unique opportunity to enjoy life in a new way!
After coming to this conclusion, I couldn't justify living in Orlando (for who knows how long) and only 25 minutes from the Disney Parks without taking advantage of the entertainment and lures of the "Happiest Place on Earth".