
Friday, May 18, 2012

Weak Week

It's been a long week in this little Ramblewood apartment. Not one that I want to forget or need to do over, but just get through honorably. I've been sad and frustrated and hopeful and energized, all at separate times and sometimes all at once. And that, my dear Vagabond Vignette web-log readers, is tiring! 

I know that every experience, every decision, every relationship is an opportunity to learn from, mature through and even be excited about, but still... it's tiring.

Through it all, I aim to live a life that is true to myself by holding onto my integrity, that is true to others by relating to them sincerely, and that is true to my faith by acting justly, loving mercy and walking humbly with God (ala Micah 6:8). These are my most earnest desires and though failing often, I press on. 

And by God's grace I live in genuine thanksgiving for yesterday and vibrant hope for tomorrow.  

For future reference, if anyone out there specializes cleaning dog feces from apartment carpets, I'm taking numbers...  Yeah, I told you it's been quite a week!

This just made me smile !!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Countdown begins

Week 17 (16 left!) workout log:
  •  4 runs totaling 25.92 miles
  • 1 hour of spin class
  • 2 hours of power yoga
  • 12.07 miles bike ride along the hills of West Michigan.
  • 1 hour gym workout including stationary bike, elliptical, planks, etc.
Whilst preparing for my half-marathon a few years ago (wow –it was that long!), I didn’t do much reading and research, just running. It worked for me and I loved it, most of it. Doubling that distance frightens me a lot! a bit, so I’m doing some blog snooping and magazine reading to compile what seems to be a running regime that would work for me and I would enjoy.

Three things that I take away from various marathoners is: 

Just Run.
Not every run needs to be long or timed, but they need to be. I will continue to run around Grandville so as to remind my body at every opportunity that it likes to run and it needs to eventually like 26.2 miles worth of running.

In light of this, I plan to start a few two-a-days, which simultaneously frightens and excites me! (A casualty of this will be running in pre-sweated running clothes… yuck)

Strengthen My Core.
Power yoga and a Spin class (free perks through my apartment complex!) have been slotted into my weekly workout calendar. Though I’ve been running fairly regularly, it was very obvious that certain muscles had been neglected by my myopic workouts, so bring on the planks and speed spinning! 

Don’t Give Up.
The last miles of the 26.2 is a battle of mind over matter, of mental endurance winning victory over physical exhaustion. This is what I’m told through my virtual running partners and gurus. Even now in the midst of my ‘long’ runs I contemplate cutting it short, because I have many months before the marathon, but I push myself. One more mile -  mind over matter. I know I can do it, as long as I keep moving.  And it feels so much better at the end knowing that I didn’t give up!

Every weekend I’ll log runs and workouts on this very exciting web-log, to keep an ongoing record of where I’ve been and where I need to go – which is still a loooong way.

I’m excited and nervous, but optimistic. Cautiously optimistic...