It's been a long week in this little Ramblewood apartment. Not one that I want to forget or need to do over, but just get through honorably. I've been sad and frustrated and hopeful and energized, all at separate times and sometimes all at once. And that, my dear Vagabond Vignette web-log readers, is tiring!
I know that every experience, every decision, every relationship is an opportunity to learn from, mature through and even be excited about, but still... it's tiring.
Through it all, I aim to live a life that is true to myself by holding onto my integrity, that is true to others by relating to them sincerely, and that is true to my faith by acting justly, loving mercy and walking humbly with God (ala Micah 6:8). These are my most earnest desires and though failing often, I press on.
And by God's grace I live in genuine thanksgiving for yesterday and vibrant hope for tomorrow.
For future reference, if anyone out there specializes cleaning dog feces from apartment carpets, I'm taking numbers... Yeah, I told you it's been quite a week!
This just made me smile !!