
Sunday, April 22, 2012

"The Scent of Peace"

A little Calvin Seminary chapel talk from Vanessa this past autumn 2011, muchly influenced by my years in Europe and the loved ones there. If you are one of them - you may hear your words in my own.

If you're bored and want to hear my voice, have a listen (not to worry it's not more than 13 minutes long).

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

DeGrumping with Google

I admit it. I Google... everything!

I google-research.
I google-translate.
I google-cheat.
I google-map.
I google-stalk.
I google-procrastinate.

In leisure, in work, and in life - Google is unashamedly my phonebook, encyclopedia, dictionary, atlas, photographer, and newspaper.

This morning I google-happified my day. For a variety of very small reasons, my day began gloomily. I could have (and sadly tend to) remained in my funk and gone throughout the rest of the morning in an Eeyore-like manner, however I like myself better when I'm happy - as do others, I'm sure.

Yep, I turned to google for assistance in my transformation from grumpy to gleeful. I researched "Happy Music", listened to a few suggestions and then through a google-rabbit trail happened upon a Happy Music playlist.

How can you not smile when within a half hour you have typed e-mails to the rhythm of the Beer Barrel Polka, Happy Feet sung by Kermit the Frog, and a Czech group singing in Czech, English and Spanish. I dare you not to smile!

And if that doesn't work:

NB: This is not an invitation to turn political on me and begin a discussion thread about the dumbing down of society due to the convenience of information found on the internet... I just like Google!