
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Shiny Happy People

"There are some who think..." "Some people feel..." "People have said..."

Who ARE these "people"?

And why is it that these unnamed cowards' opinions have more weight than those who have made the plans and who have a name and a face. Certainly things can be done differently, better and more efficiently, but it's the plan of one who stepped up and did something, asking for advice and guidance, which gets burnt by these people's evaluation.

These "people", these shadows of cynicism, appear not quite too late in the game. One day or one hour later and "some" opinions wouldn't carry any value worthy of discussion. But nope, they voice (granted second or third hand) their nasty little negative ideas just when the last puzzle piece is about to be laid, thus upsetting the whole puzzle.

"People", name yourselves!

Humph. Tirade over.

Ooof, this is possibly the first negative web-log entry I have ever done. Don't quite like it, but had to get it out there - out of me, at least!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


You didn't know greyhounds could smile, did you?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Make New Friends, But Keep the Old

Meet Gabinka, whom when adopted in 2005 was the size of a quarter. Now, don't tell her, but she's actually the size of a good meal. (And very possibly a 'he'). Her home remains in Prague, as without the proper paperwork she could not cross borders, whereas I, without the proper paperwork was forced across borders.

Nonetheless, here she is in a recent video sent to me for my enjoyment and recognition that she is alive and well.

Spring 2010, Yes, that is actually real meat...

Spring 2010, Just swimming:

Spring 2011, The most recent one, eating an all time favourite snack:

What can I say? I don't have cute kids to put up here, so I gotta post videos of something living. Next, my house plant. Excited, aren't you?

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Of Coloured Balls and Uncle Paul

Calvin Seminary has a Scripture memory club. Every year they choose a text or book of Scripture to memorise and during a chapel service in the Spring semester they dramatically recite the passage. This year it was Philippians and the best recitation of Scripture I've heard yet. It included a rhythmical drum beat, a chorus and responsive reading. Listening to the clubbers speak the words of Apostle Paul in the back of my mind (probably not only mine) was the curiosity if someone would forget the next line or flub up the present one. I had a strong sense that I wanted the recitation to be perfect, but when a mistake occurs I admit to feeling a bit of relief about their humanity.

Thus with jugglers. It's amazing to see these magicians of gravity able to keep so many of the brightly coloured balls whizzing around their heads with the ease of flipping pages of a book. You really want them to keep the round objects up in the air and obeying the one who tosses them up, catches them and tosses them again. You stand their awe-struck until the performance has finished, hoping it's not a premature ending due to an unruly ball finding its way past the juggler's hand and dropping to the earth. But, lo, it happens. He is human as well.
Confused recitations and dropped balls: Yep, it happens. If it hasn't, it will.

Then what? Drop the rest of the balls and go home? Pass on continuing the scripture verses and sit down?

Nope. Pick up the miscreant ball and start again. Take a peek at the Bible passage and speak on.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Have you seen Me?

Long story short - my beloved bicycle is resting peaceably against the wall in my dining room. No criminal activity took place apart from my storing the two wheeled structure in a room in which this was not allowed. However, to my defense, I had no idea that this was forbidden. No signs were posted saying I couldn't and likewise, no sign was posted saying that my friendly apartment complex guys removed it! Agh. Nonetheless, I have it and learned in a few short days how to let go... kind of.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Look.

You need not see what someone is doing
to know if it is his vocation,

you have only to watch his eyes:
a cook mixing a sauce, a surgeon

making a primary incision,
a clerk completing a bill of lading,

wear the same rapt expression,
forgetting themselves in a function.

How beautiful it is,
that eye-on-the-object look.

-WH Auden

That 'eye-on-the-object look' is why I'm taking a 4 credit Math class next year which frightens me to the core.

That 'eye-on-the-object look' is why I'm registering for classes over the summer in a different city than I live and work.

That 'eye-on-the-object look' is why I'm a student at two different schools and looking at a third.

That 'eye-on-the-object look' is why I'm slowly but steadily and assuredly pursuing an elementary education teaching certification.

I love seeing these little humans learn. I love watching children develop an understanding of the world. I love meeting them where they are and walking forward hand-in-hand, asking questions and answering them together. This inspires me. This energizes me. This gives me the 'eye-on-the-object look'.

(Even enough for me to brave a 4 credit math course... oh man.)

Mr Wystan Hugh Auden, you got it right. You put words to my passion. Thank you.